The Hickmans - Ryan and Jamie

The Allisons - Tyler and Melissa

Ryan Hickman - LinkedIn Profile
  • 15+ years in IT mainly app dev and system admin
  • Primarily responsible for:
    • Brands: AllisonHouse, RealTimeWX
    • All things technology
    • Customer Support
Jamie Hickman
  • 15+ years in the hospitality industry
  • 4+ years trying to keep Ryan in line
Tyler Allison - LinkedIn Profile
  • 25+ years in IT mainly in security, operations and engineering
  • Primarily responsible for:
    • Brands: BaitsNow, The Dive Otter
    • Financials, Legal, Contracts/Agreements, HR
    • Long range strategy
Melissa Allison
  • Registered Nurse (expired)
  • 5+ years childrens theatre costuming
  • Primarily Responsible for:
    • Brands: AllisonHouse Costumes
    • Rolling eyes at Tyler's next idea